Thursday, January 21, 2010


Wow, it's been like forever since my last post here. I've been so busy with other activities (more important than blogging, obviously!) and other hobbies. I know I have other hobbies that I want to make monies! Hence, I kind of neglected this one. I still hope to monetize this blog and my other blogs someday! ;)

Anyway, we have an invitation to do special lectures in London next month. My former boss/friend and his family invited us over. So off to the land of the queen in less than a month from today! I am so excited for this trip. It's gonna be my first time to Europe! I've been to quite a few countries in Asia but never to Europe yet. Our trip is pretty set, including our very specific itinerary.

Here are some of the places that we will be visiting: London, Isle of Wight, Manchester and Scotland. We made sure that we will be in London while I celebrated my _th birthday! And speaking of my birthday, I still want to eat at a restaurant where I have an access to the view of the London bridge. And yes, I will try to sing the famous children song, "London bridge". I know it doesn't make a lot of sense but it will for sure bring back childhood memories I have with my sister. We played that game growing up a million times!

Seriously though, I am just glad that we have this opportunity to help train church leaders of this new Mongolian church that our friend has started. It's quite impressive that this church has just been planted for not even a year yet, but they already expect 30 delegates to be at this conference. God's Kingdom keeps on advancing!

Oh, and we will also be meeting two of my cousins who are based in London. I haven't seen them for quite sometime. So, that is something I am looking forward to as well.

Signing off... for now.